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Thursday, November 10, 2016


The huge "news" businesses and a majority of their "talking heads" and "experts" incorrectly predicted a smashing Clinton victory. They were totally and embarrassingly wrong. Now, to justify their huge error and political point of view, every Donald Trump action and word as President Elect and President will be dissected and analyzed to find anything worth criticizing. It is the revenge of a mass media that couldn't convey their political slant onto the American electorate to produce a Clinton victory.

When I was a student I remember the word objective tied to courses on journalism and news reporting. Evidently, the concept of objective journalism is no longer a required or elective course in colleges. I observe more and more news people framing their reports with their own views or the political views of their corporate bosses and owners.

Anyone can spend a minute or two watching the news and quickly discern the political slant of the piece. Word choices, voice inflection, and facial expressions quickly reveal how a news reader really feels about his subject. I expect opinion pieces to be opinions, but news should be news without opinion. I recall something from school about giving your readers or audience a bunch of "w's" and letting them form their own conclusion or opinion from the basic facts. A good example of sound reporting might be, Mayor Smith drove his Buick into a tree at 3AM along High Street and suffered a broken leg. A bad example might be, Republican firebrand Mayor Smith rammed a luxury city owned sedan into an innocent tree in the wee hours of the morning after all the bars had just closed. He sustained non life threatening injuries and it is not clear if he was administered a blood alcohol test.

The scorn of the mass media will hang over Trump like buzzards over fresh roadkill for the next four years. Beyond reporting the facts the viewing and reading public will be treated to opinions and innuendos far beyond the what, when, where, and who of Trump's daily official and unofficial life. While anyone choosing to be in the public spot light must endure scrutiny, the mass media will  perform a daily cavity scan on everything Trump. In a desperate attempt to regain credibility and justify their initial negative judgement, Trump will be a constant target of scorn and revenge.

While the body of his work as POTUS is yet to be seen, and will likely have it's high and low points, the media will surely stick to the low road. Beware of on going left bias, fake news, and negative reporting from the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, AP, BBC, and a number of lesser know news outlets and their affiliates.


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