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Tuesday, September 20, 2016


While it appears Mr. Biden is not doing or feeling well lately, Trump supporters should be wary of overconfidence.

The Biden campaign will eventually spend many millions on ads and a bundle of sneaky tricks until the November counting. With the nearly universal support of most media, academia, and many incumbent politicians, his election chances are good despite his declining mental acuity. He may seem to be faltering in some polls, but polls are often slanted and proved unreliable in 2016. Also, establishment politicians and millions of bureaucrats of both parties are desperate for a continuance of the deep state status and fear further undoing by a second Trump administration.

Despite TV "expert" pundits, scores of polls, and electoral college forecasts,  there is only one sure way Trump wins again. The great silent majority of "deplorables", Wall Mart shoppers, blacks, Hispanic, church going folks, legal immigrants, and constitutionalists must unite their votes to again denounce the deep state of corrupt democrats and republicans. Both political parties have used their offices and influence  to build more government infrastructure, pad their own pockets with more money and build a wall of political power.

Trump has marches along with the simple slogan "Make America Great Again" and a high level of energy and enthusiasm reminiscent of Ronald Reagan. He is not a politician, but a very successful businessman blessed with superior negotiating skills, zeal, and a keen sense of pragmatism. With his clownish hair and arrogant manner he may seem an unlikely second termer for the White House, but he has proven the perfect non establishment boss since 2016.

Isn't it about time the staid world of republicans and democrats get a strong message that the American people are frustrated with their failures ? Isn't it about time voters fire a few people, and use common sense in reducing the incompetent bungling bureaucracy of our federal government ? 

America needs further relief from bad, inept government and it's habit of broken promises. As we quickly move towards election day Trump's record and direction is positive, but over confidence should not slow the critical momentum or fervor of his campaign or his supporters.

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