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Wednesday, August 3, 2016


While the WSJ generally favors the status quo of politics, every day it publishes new revelations about the corruption of Hillary Clinton and the two major political parties. It also beats down Donald Trump on a daily basis, but since he has no political record the criticisms are more speculative.

Clinton's ever shifting positions when dealings with Russia and the Middle East reveal an individual
comfortable with appeasement. Her incredible record of foreign deals resulting in huge speaking fees for her and Bill Clinton, and the incredible donations to the Clinton Foundation, beg the question of her self interest and enrichment "trumping" national interests.

The total destruction of Bernie Sanders and any Democratic Party opposition begs the question of super delegates and a rigged nomination system. The facts of leaked and sensitive national security e mails from her personal devices shows her poor judgement. Further, the absence of criminal justice from the FBI & DOJ probes clearly highlight the hand of Barrack Obama blocking any prosecution.

The WSJ may eventually endorse Clinton since it is a major part of the establishment and needs the stability of the status quo. But, some of it's writers and articles expose and explain on an impartial basis the history of her flip flops, self serving official actions, and political weakness. Unlike the slavish devotion to all things good about Clinton and universal hate for Trump reported daily in the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, and a vast majority of daily newspapers, the WSJ does offer a bit more balance to it's political reporting and opinion pieces.

I strongly recommend reading WSJ commentary and opinion pieces as a balance to the prejudiced views found in most print media.


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