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Saturday, July 9, 2016


The Black Lives Matter organization misses it's message by a mile failing to recognize the thousands of black on black homicides which outnumber the isolated police related cases they choose to celebrate. Why don't they demonstrate in favor of the children, old people, and youths slaughtered night after night on the streets of America ?

Focusing on the very small number of white policemen killing black people is a tiny part of the violence plaguing the African American community. Despite the pre investigation proclamations of Obama, Holder, Jackson, Lynch, Clinton, and Sharpton, many of the racial bias charges against cops have proven to be bogus. However, the delicious race baiting scenario of white police officers at war against black men is a much easier cause then addressing the complex problems plaguing so many urban communities. Racist politicians love the BLM movement because it is a simplistic approach to a set of deep and complicated social problems. A few lousy cops along with a few lousy people from any profession or trade will always do evil. However, their actions cannot be made to represent the efforts of all policemen, lawyers,  politicians, doctors, retail workers or any other group of workers.

For too long black boys have been raised without good men to lead them from childhood to adulthood. In a disturbing number of situations, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and sisters have been abandoned by black males unwilling to assume their parenting responsibility. Sadly, in some cockeyed federal assistance programs, financial incentives are even offered mothers without husbands. Until more good black men assume their role as fathers and mentors, a large number of  young black men will enter adulthood without the good influence of a father. Young men without fathers learn all the "traits" of being a "man" in the mean streets and from other misguided youth or gangbangers. The pattern of misguided young black men is truly an American tragedy.

Also, its time the Black Lives Matter people change their name. All Lives Matter includes policemen slain by deranged individuals and our military personnel killed and maimed doing their duty. All Lives Matter should include the lives of every life lost to violence and evil.  In my opinion, the BLM movement has undertones of racism and segregation when it excludes other American lives lost to violence.

A long time ago, over 600000 Americans of different races and national origins were killed in a Civil War. A chief reason for the terrible conflict and loss of life was to end human slavery. Their lives should matter as well as African Americans who suffered and died during our dark days of slavery, Jim Crow, and segregation. Also, the lives of Native Americans and Asian Americans should matter to everyone.

Black Lives Matter is a liberal political movement designed to highlight and profit from a small problem in our society. Those politicians and activists who live and profit from racial tension will support BLM because they are lazy and lack the courage to frankly address the deep seated problems within huge segments of our inner cities.

Don't look for any progressive politician to tell BLM and democrat big city mayors to address the heavy homicide rates within their communities when they can cheer on the narrowly focused  Black Lives Matter outfit.  As usual, their liberal progressive solution will be to shovel more money to corrupt politicos and agencies which specialize in wasting tax payer monies without any problem resolution. Also with roaring approval from BLM, racist pimp politicos, social preachers and other demagogues will blame white folks for all the ills of minorities while looking for a financial windfall.  
If black leaders national leaders and the BLM have a legitimate concern for black people, let them demonstrate with great emotion and fervor within the communities where black people are murdered night after night by other black people !

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