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Thursday, May 5, 2016


Freedom of the press to many means lying and that coupled with gullible readers has lead, and will lead, to many falsehoods and misunderstandings about what DJT is actually saying or thinking. The "gotcha", tricky and entrapment questions are standard practices for many in the left wing of the press corps.

The slightest misstatement or incorrectly turned phrase by Trump is often used in the media business to cause controversy. Headlines with blaring accusations and unnamed sources help sell more print and television ads. It's a common ploy to reach shocking conclusions while ginning up more media revenue. No matter the real story, facts or truth, many in the mainstream media or political establishment are more interested in producing sizzling headlines. Sadly, the traditional and responsible practice of journalism is nearly dead.

Too many citizens gobble up headlines and allow unverified headlines to settle as truth without ever checking for critical evidence.  We have become attuned to believing instant news at first blush without checking sources or the full story. Dear readers, question everything, demand sources and verifiable statistics before accepting any of those "breaking news" reports.

Many in the media attempt 24/7 to make Trump a liar, fool, criminal or worse.  Voters and citizens who care about choosing the best candidate or uncovering the truth would be wise to check news sources, context, and full statements before jumping to an emotional conclusion.

Keep in mind that talking heads, nerdy political analysts, and pollster pundits often want to create sizzling "news" rather than report facts. Too many want to become the next Woodward, Bernstein or Uncle Walter and some won't let facts, fairness or truth stand in their way.


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