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Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Based on their dismal foreign policy track record have Obama, Kerry, and Hillary Clinton stunk up the place like its 1938 ?

Neville Chamberlain, the Prime minister of England in 1938, showed great weakness 77 years ago in negotiations with Adolph Hitler in their Munich meetings. Chamberlain essentially tried to satisfy Hitler by surrendering Czechoslovakia in return for promises of peace. His foreign policy of appeasement failed miserably, and was a green light for the madness and military aggression Hitler would soon inflict on the world.

Whether Obama is trying to etch out a legacy, absolutely screw Israel, or is just an incredible dumb ass, the deal he and Kerry, with earlier bungling by Clinton, struck with Iran looks bad. His political spin doctors and left leaning suck up media will do their best to convince America of the brilliance in appeasing while Iran joyfully chants, "death to America, death to Israel." Sadly, Obama is already relying on a veto, and enough loyal Congressional votes to jam this weak treaty to law. Once again the Obama cabal has wasted an enormous amount of taxpayer money and national credibility for nothing that protects the region or US interests in the area.

It took a Winston Churchill and terrible war to reverse the dark results of Chamberlain's appeasement policies. Will a new strong US President or an avenging Israel undo the harm Obama, Kerry, and Clinton have unloosed on the Mid East region and world ?


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