Blog Archive

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Traditionally we gift those we consider our lovers, special friends or beloved kinfolk. This is A SIGN OF friendship marked by gifts and cards. I suggest in addition to the regular people we honor we consider a new practice directed at total strangers.

At your local restaurant, grocer, or retail store consider gifting the purchase for a uniformed military member or cop next in line or nearby. Do it quietly while thanking them for their loyalty and service.
In addition to their pleasant surprise, your simple gesture may give you a joyful moment well beyond the value of the things you gift.

We have thousands of military personnel and police in the Tidewater Area (Hampton Roads, Virginia) and if a small percentage of folks would extend small kindnesses what a special statement we could make. Many of our military neighbors and cops are young people far from home and friends. None are ever paid enough for their 24/7 commitment and your modest gift and kindness will represent a small and unexpected surprise.

Occasionally, random acts of generosity or thanks to an individual or group are reported by the media. Wouldn't it be wonderful if a shower of small anonymous events swept the area with little or no publicity. Perhaps Hampton Roads could trigger a nationwide flood of simple kind acts for our military citizens.

Just do it, and consider making it a weekly or monthly habit !

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