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Thursday, September 18, 2014


For several decades common sense and simple observation have surrendered to pop science and government induced hysteria designed to take away more personal freedom while collecting more taxes.

A "sky is falling" scenario of global warming, cooling, or whatever is now maintained as the world's greatest crisis. Nuclear proliferation, the 21st century revival of the Mideast Crusades, Putin's unholy ambitions, and the rising super military and economic power of China are minor concerns compared to weather changes according to many. Consistently, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Barrack Obama, and bands of scientists predict and proclaim catastrophic weather patterns as the worlds greatest problem. They cite melting polar ice caps, drowning polar bears, our coastal cities sinking under rising tides, and a variety of other life ending situations as their proof. Their message is always the same. Capitalist rich evil nations and individuals are to blame and only government can solve the emergency. Every dire prediction is made, immediately ballyhooed by the media, certified as Gods truth by politicians, and brainwashed into impressionable children. Despite the staged photos their predictions always fail to materialize. Recently, The Weather Channel and Audubon Magazine devoted great time and space to the threat, danger, and alleged reality of global weather goblins citing junk science sources and government agencies as their reliable sources.

I have observed weather for nearly seventy years and lived directly on the Chesapeake Bay nearly forty years. Except for northeast storms and the occasional tropical storm or hurricane I can safely report my dock space and property have not surrendered to the rising seas. I see ice & snow in the winter, heat and humidity in the summer, and usually more pleasant weather in the spring and fall. My observations have as much validity as all the junk science gathered by scientists paid by government grants to find problems, and thus continue their government paychecks. Is it any wonder that a greater and greater crisis is projected as government budgets allow more "studies" and scientists to collect government paychecks ? Ever wonder why the governments 50 year war on poverty produced more poverty and a cost of 21 trillion taxpayer dollars ?

Fact is the weather changes every day. It takes thousands upon thousands of years to measure patterns of cooling and warming on a planet millions of years old. Man's scientific weather measurements are only a few hundred years old, and man's influence on the climate is only a few thousand years old. I think it is BS and man's incredible ego to believe that my internal combustion engine, can of aerosol, or incandescent light bulb could destroy a planet and universe designed by Almighty God. To predict climate doom and gloom, so called "computer models" are always used. In my opinion, these "computer models" are probably a modern day version of crystal ball gazing, and are skewed to produce results consistent with pre determined goals.

In the history of mankind, the vast majority of scientists and The Holy Roman Catholic Church once taught and insisted that the world was flat, the earth was the center of the universe, and every man was directly related to Adam & Eve. Those who questioned these "scientific" certainties were often severely punished and excommunicated from the Church. It took hundreds of years of research and observation to disprove  scientific "facts" of the past. The current high percentage of climate alarmists are paid by governments and organizations with a strong motivation to further their cause.

Consider your lifetime and observations of the weather and it's occasional extremes.

Does a hot day, severe snowstorm, spring flood, tornado or hurricane mean the world is about to explode or implode from weather fluctuations ? Understand that governments good and bad are always seeking your money and liberty so that they (the government) can grow and assume more and more power.

While Al Gore and other climate alarmists have raked in millions of dollars in personal earnings, have any of their doomsday predictions come true ?


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