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Friday, January 31, 2014


An old Washington Post op-ed by Charles Kenny proclaims the United States will cease being the worlds largest economy. He expects China will overtake us by 2017 in having the worlds largest GDP. He gives many justifications why slipping one notch is OK, and concludes that being second in GDP should be a cause for celebration. He states, "because much of the world is becoming more like America in many ways richer, more democratic, more secure ", we should consider our role "a success story for U.S. stewardship of the global economy. So celebrate with me: We're No. 2 !"

Sorry Mr. Kenny, but with all due respect, I think your celebratory tone is another funeral dirge for American Exceptionalism, and another lefty swing in denigrating the greatest nation in the world.

The notion that the USA coming in second, or lower, in any human endeavor, including  GDP, is unacceptable, in my opinion. Our history is marked by unique accomplishments which has made us the worlds best in most fields of endeavor. We were the first on the moon, built the worlds greatest military while building the worlds greatest economy. Our scientists were leaders in developing atomic power, medical miracles, computers just to name a few.  Our Olympic athletes aim for gold medals, and while being the runner up in the Super Bowl is a notable accomplishment it pales in comparison to being the winner.

Unfortunately, our GDP and economy are severely hammered by the burden of the federal government. The "O" administration along with those of the past have steadily increased regulations and taxes on investors and entrepreneurs. Additionally, silly government schemes such as unlimited unemployment compensation, an unrealistic hike in the minimum wage, obamacare, bailouts for failing businesses, increasing welfare payouts, and unlimited immigration benefits for illegals, further muck our maintenance of a strong economy. This constant and sloppy interference by the government in our free enterprise system has chased the forces that build GDP to more economically friendly shores.

In Mr. Kenny's piece, he also uses statistics from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development which might hint at why we may slip to second in GDP. The OECD reporting on the top 31 countries of the world rate the US 27th in math scores, and 23rd in unemployment among other depressing ratings. If we took education away from unions and the federal government our students would surely fare better. Teachers with more talent than tenure would surely raise our educational standards. Also, if government would curtail it's micro management of our economy the wonders of capitalism would cause countless innovations and millions of new jobs. The free market allowed to naturally rise and fall, without endless government interference, made us the worlds greatest economic power, and it can happen again.

I find the possibility of our nation accepting or "celebrating" being # 2 to China pathetic. We have the talent, resources, grit, and national character to remain the worlds leader in whatever field we choose. To accept less of ourselves and our nation is a damn shame.  As Americans, "Second best is better", is an essay we should reject and endeavor to avoid.


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