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Saturday, October 12, 2013


In the coming weeks obama and his merry band of "tax and spend other peoples money" will predict the total collapse of America if a debt limit extension is not passed in Congress. Media talking heads and print liberals will forecast starving children, suffering old people, and universal mayhem without passage of a continuing resolution to spend more and more money. obama's State of the Union speech will demand more money to fix the nations social problems unfixed by the seven or eight trillion spent since the days of Lyndon Johnson. The progressives and obama are lying to scare the nation into more unlimited government spending and national debt. Understand and underline the fact that obama, Carney, Pelosi, Reid, and most democrats along with their willing media dupes are agents of unlimited big government and socialism. They want lots of money to buy lots of votes from citizens and illegal immigrants enslaved by government welfare schemes.

The American people must demand fiscal responsibility and NOW is the time. The major markets may hiccup, but will likely be relieved to see an end to the unlimited printing of money and bonds. Every responsible citizen and corporation in America has a budget, and the Obama regime wants to operate with a blank check budget payable by the decreasing number of working citizens and profitable corporations.

Any sane individual with a $ 500 weekly salary would not go out on Friday night and spend $ 500 on new tattoos, $ 200 on a lavish dinner, and $ 2000 for a third wide screen television. Citizens cannot allow their government to continue unlimited spending on schemes designed to buy political support and votes. Common sense in spending must prevail in our government as it does in our homes and businesses.

Obamacare is the tip of the fiscal cliff of government irresponsibility and Cruz, Lee, Tea Party members, and true conservatives are right to vigorously object. The "Affordable Health Care Act" is not only unaffordable for most Americans, but it's implementation is an embarrassment of clumsy planning by obama and his minions.

Despite the bias and nonsense of polls, most Americans know obama and his political henchmen have us on a path to financial hell. NOW is the time to call, twit, e mail, march, shout, and blog your congress people to stop anything that allows more wasteful spending by an inept and corrupt obama regime.

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