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Monday, April 8, 2013


In 2013 we experienced a sad day when we lost two very different and wonderful women who joined the heavenly stars.

First, came news that Lady Margaret Thatcher had slipped from life. Later in the day, news spread that Annette Funicello passed away.

Margaret Thatcher was the bull in the Brit china shoppe that shook England out of it's socialist funk. She was passionate and steady in her denouncement of communism and socialism. A soviet contemporary labeled her the "iron lady" either out of fear, respect, or perhaps both. She proved to the world that a woman could lead a modern nation in peace and war with great success. Despite the constant slings and arrows from the political left and a pitiful Hollywood smear movie, Margaret Thatcher was and will always be recognized as one the worlds great leaders. She ably joined Ronald Reagan in forcing the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Annette Funicello was the heart throb of the baby boom generation as a mouseketeer and later as a beach beauty. As a child star in the Disney empire she was forever perky, soft spoken, and cute. Wearing her mouse ears or in later Disney roles she was always polite and sweet on and off stage. Later, as the star of many beach movies she was the teenage queen of beauty and fashion. It was every young man's dream to date Annette. Daresay, it was every young girls desire to be Annette. Amazingly, unlike many female entertainment stars of today, Annette played it clean her entire career. She never played the slut, used suggestive language, succumbed to alcohol, or bounced around naked to gain and enhance her stardom.

In their own distinctive ways, Annette and Margaret were unique women who will be dearly missed and remembered for a very long time.  

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