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Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Is it time American voters shun both major political parties for a new political party ?

For decades democrat and republican lawmakers have wasted trillions of taxpayer monies, snared economic progress with reams of laws, and built a maze of expensive bureaucracies producing few tangible services or products of any value. Like lemmings voters are hypnotized by campaigning and elect unworthys on the emotion of a smile or slogan.  Rather then any loyalty to our Constitution or using the grey matter floating between their ears  politicians of every stripe use their office to gain power and enough funding to win their next election.  With a total disregard of any spending limits, politicians stand ready to fund any cause or special interest group to simply get a few more votes.

Rather then being an efficient octopus with many tentacles reaching out to states providing assistance and support, our federal system is something much different. After decades of ineffective leadership from, democrats and republicans, our federal system now resembles a giant jelly fish plopped on the Potomac unable to move or reach out to any states. This armless blob is sustained by a constant diet of taxpayers, their contributions, and fawning lobbyists.

I call this new political party The Common Sense Congress. My invention would amend our Constitution to allow a single term, five years,  for leaders of the executive and legislative branches.  After their first term,  incumbents would have to stand down for  five years before their next reelection opportunity. To insure continuity, the new rules would take effect as current members are up for reelection, retire, quit, or die.

A most important guiding philosophy of this new party would be to privatize all things the federal government consistently mismanages. Sell the assets, personnel, and services provided by the Postal Department, Amtrak, TSA, Veterans Administration, GSA, US Forest Service, HHS, Departments of Energy, Education, Commerce, Obama Care and, the litany of ABC federal agencies to domestic "for profit" corporations. Soon, the savings would be astronomical and the services more efficient. Finally, return more governing and rule making to individuals, the states and territories.

To prove the need for a Common Sense Congress here are a few recent Wall Street Journal story quotes:

1. " Congress wants the mail service to keep losing $ 15.9 billion a year."
2. "After spending nearly $300 million on a high-tech surveillance blimp ... the US military is being asked to give it back to the company that designed it. Last month the Army killed the project."
3. "Obama's missile-defense reversal ... a tacit admission that the US will soon be vulnerable to attack ... reversing a 2009 decision that was part of President Obama's fantasy of a world without nuclear weapons."

Simply stated we need to unload a bunch of jackasses and pachyderms. Lets find more folks with common sense, respect for tax payers contributions, and an understanding that the most significant role of the federal government, per the US Constitution, is National Defense.

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