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Friday, March 29, 2013


An interesting article I uncovered from "The North American Almanac of 1929", pages 64 and 65. Perhaps good advice for us all from many years ago.

Finding the Bad in the Best of Us
1. SELF SATISFACTION - Lack of ambition.
2. DISHONESTY with yourself and others.
3. MENTAL INDOLENCE or lazy minded.
4. MISMANAGEMENT of yourself and affairs.
5. BAD TEMPER and a sharp tongue.
6. INEFFICIENCY on your job whatever it may be.
7. ENVY of others.
8. ALIBIS or failure to take responsibility.
9. UNDEPENDABILITY - Lack of self reliance and self control.
10. INACCURACY - Slip-shod and haphazard methods.
11. DISINTEREST - Failure to take interest in civic affairs or the affairs of your friends and employers.
12. TARDINESS - Always late at work, to meals or on social engagements.
13. INTERFERENCE - Just plain "butting in".
14. PROCRASTINATION - Putting off till tomorrow what you ought to do today.
15. ANTAGONISM - Inconsiderate of the opinions of others.
16. RUMORS - "Back yard scandal," spreading of false gossip.
17. RESENTMENT - Refusing to take advice and smarting under just criticism.
18. LETHARGY - Commonly called lazy.
19. EGOTISM - Sort of a human frog, a "blow hard".
20. FAILURE - Largely because of misfits.
21. BAD INVESTMENTS - The opposite of thrift and judicious saving.
22. PROFANITY - Alright in the army but not in modern life.
23. GROUCHINESS - A cross between bad temper and plain "cussedness".
24. WORRY - that saps your health and mental efficiency.
25. DRIFTING - Going thru life without a definite goal from one job to another.
26. DISCOURTESY - Failure to appreciate the rights of others.
27. UNTIDINESS - Careless and indifferent about personal appearance.
28. COWARDICE - "Yellow" in a tight place or moral situation.
29. WASTEFUL - Needless destruction of time and material things.
30. RETICENCE - Just a bit too shy.
31. IT CAN'T BE DONE - When all others fail this will sink you.

Curious, this listing was written by the elders of Americans who survived the Great Depression, World War II, and arguably created the greatest economy of the twentieth century.

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