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Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Since unlawfully eating fruit from the tree of knowledge as related in The Book Of Genesis, humankind has been awash with evil.

Every year, every decade, every century men singly or in groups under civic and religious banners have slaughtered their fellow humans. The killings have become increasingly efficient and cold blooded. Murder and mass homicide have been performed with sticks, stones, fire, water, vehicles, poison gas, dynamite, knives, guns, and sundry other devices. None of these items can be outlawed. If they could be outlawed, would evil and bad people obey the laws? Long periods of "peace on earth" have been sadly rare and difficult to sustain.

Was the recent horror in Sandy Hook Connecticut preventable? Sadly, I think not. Given the complexities, contradictions, and sensitivities of our culture there are no simple solutions or reasons to indicate such a tragedy could be prevented. However, do we really expect anything but simplistic solutions from our "leaders"?

In America the "Godfather" movie is often acclaimed as Hollywood's greatest film. Simply stated, it's a story of unaccountable corruption and murder. Federal lawmakers will plead for more restrictive gun laws yet never leave their homes without their concealed weapon or armed bodyguard. Our economy depends on major expenditures for our military forces and killing weapons. But, do we dare allow our adversaries to outgun us?

We gift our children video games, television, and popular films which celebrate killing and mayhem. In our modern world of  fatherless homes and more working parents we often leave our children to the fantasies of television and gaming. Years ago to protect their "civil rights" our nation unfunded and abandoned programs to isolate the mentally disturbed. Many of these lost souls are homeless, friendless, and  live in a place of dark thoughts. Also, personal accountability has become terribly passe these days. Finally, a very loud minority strives and often succeeds in removing the concept of God from our schools and public places. Yet, in the face of unspeakable horror many including our leaders publicly seek answers and solace from a Deity.

In a world of constant change we are replacing the old values of our parents and grandparents with new ideas and standards. It's a painful and disturbing transition for many. At times it seems our political and religious leaders are bending to appease the greatest number of low information people. Many are growing comfortable in a " Brave New World" beyond "1984", where its acceptable to allow government, rather then families and churches, to supply an individual or families wants and needs.

Unless our cultural, religious, and political leaders define new standards to unite people and direct our national energy into more positive directions, the fallen angels and their guardians at Sandy Hook will have died in vain. As a nation of individuals, will we continue to tolerate the conditions which allow and glamorize evil or will we demand and fight for a system that champions accountability and common sense?

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