What the Hell ! In the last 48 hours two huge rulings have confirmed the new normal is the minority becoming the majority. In Missouri over 70% of voters vote in a fashion which clearly disapproves of the Obama Healthcare Plan. In California a single gay judge reverses the states seven million voters who clearly struck down the same sex marriage question in a clear referendum by California citizens.
And the trend continues. By every measure, US citizens in poll after poll affirm that illegal immigrants are illegal and should not be allowed safe harbor and the benefits of US citizenship. Yet Obama, Holder, and a minority cabal of leftists insist that illegal is OK. Arizona is slammed by the Feds for merely trying to secure it's borders and do what the federal government is unwilling to do. Congress gives the Mexican President a standing ovation for denouncing a state of our union. To get easy votes the minority demands that the normal rules of citizenship be suspended.
Despite protests, polls, town hall meetings, and the loud voices by a majority the minority continues to bend reality their way. Ridiculous and wasteful spending bills are steadily being passed in Congress despite millions upon millions of protest letters, e-mails, and phone calls.
A mosque near the sacred grounds of the Twin Towers is OK by New York's Mayor and New York City's building commission. This Mosque is set to have a construction start date of 9/11/2011 and yet rebuilding at Ground Zero is nearly a decade old with no clear sight of a completion date. The majority of Americans view this mosque an absolute insult to New York City and the nation. Known terrorists linger comfortably in our jails and are allowed a limbo from justice by the current Administration. Czars and out of session appointments are made to insure unqualified questionable members of the Obama clique get political power without the approval of Congress.
Leading Democrats have publicly stated that the possibility of a "lame duck" session will be their no holds, "what the hell", last chance to ram through cap and trade legislation and other laws clearly bent to further separate the national wealth from the productive to the welfare class. Frank and Dodd who legislated the demise of responsible home ownership maintain their power and are celebrated while they legislate to spread the wealth to the credit unworthy. Crooked politicians like Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters are allowed continued tenure while the ethics machinery of Congress slowly moves.
Given the current course of events the elections of 2010 and 2012 may be ineffective in reversing this minority over majority situation. While the minority should always get a fair hearing and full representation our republic must be operated by the majority vote. If the upcoming elections fail to reverse this current trend our Constitution clearly stipulates and approves other measures which will be ugly but effective. Keep your powder dry but keep it nearby !
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