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Tuesday, July 8, 2008


The new Democratic Congress of 2006 made two promises; getting us out of Iraq and lowering gasoline prices.
Thank goodness we increased our presence and success in Iraq but gas prices have almost doubled since 06. Good job Pelosi and Reed - your congressional 9% approval rating is probably a tad lower then the ratings for a communicable disease. All the while, the demon for all Democrats, President Bush, maintains a favorable rating much higher then the Democratically controlled House and Senate.

This week Rep. Kucinich will re introduce bills of impeachment against President Bush. Other politicos will surely blast a lot of hot air about what drugs athletes should be taking, why capitalists should be taxed to oblivion, and why Americans should accept a lower standard of living and embrace all the "green" looniness of the Gore/Euro/Hollywood crackpots. Simply stated, our federal government is broken and full of jackasses more interested in their re-election and legacy then the basic security and material good of the American people.

At the Yorktown Virginia July 4th parade I yelled to each politician to drill now, do nuclear, do refineries and let our raghead adversaries eat their damn oil. A few frowned back and a few gave thumbs up. Unfortunately the time has come to embarass, harass, and force the donkeys and elephants to change their slothful devotion to lobbyists or find new work.

We are the people who smashed King George, Hitler, Hirohito, and the Communists to hold and extend our freedoms and economic miracles to billions of other earthlings. We are the Americans who warred against ourselves and paid a mighty price in human lives to make the union free. While not perfect we remain the class act of the globe and millions dream, scheme, and fight to become USA Americans. Despite a few hollywood whiners few Americans ever leave America. We are the greatest nation on the earth blessed by a God of many religions and our mission and responsibility is to endure and pass our blessings to future generations. United there is nothing we cannot accomplish and the braying of ineffectual politicans of every stripe can be replaced with more effective responsive leaders.

So raise hell, raise your voices, and most importantly vote for some new folks in November. We the people must make our current lot of politicans uncomfortable and very afraid of their re-election.

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