When he came down the escalator to announce his presidential run, a movement was born to totally discredit Donald J. Trump. I call it the birth of Trump Hate Inc.
The quickly formed movement was headed by democrats, RINO's, DC lobbyists/bureaucrats, and the majority of print, broadcast and on line media types. The threat of an orange haired, anti establishment, pragmatic, sexist, and coarse talking candidate was considered a threat to the harmonious(?) continuation of the Clinton, Bush and Obama regimes. A Trump presidency was also proclaimed by many as the beginning of the end for America.
Given that no man created by God is without flaws, lets review and contrast why Trump has been crucified on the altar of public opinion more than any other recent president or public figure.
Trump was attacked for being a rich son who became a billionaire from an inheritance of millions. The forces of Trump Hate Inc. immediately assumed his wealth came from crooked deals and tax evasion schemes. Ongoing investigations from media and government snoops have found nothing. But, the false claims of financial impropriety so often repeated became a fixed reason to hate Trump. Inquiries into the sources and reasons for instant wealth of democrats Clinton, Obama, Bernie, Pelosi, Waters and others has never been explored by the "truth" agents of the media and federal government.
We were told to reject all things Trump because he was and is a womanizer. He participated in numerous sexual affairs and has said filthy things about women so he is the worst ever human. Forget recent past presidents FDR, Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, Reagan and Clinton who had sexual affairs before or during their tenures as POTUS. The media purity police are most hypocritical when they forget Clinton doing sexual nasties in the Oval office and all over the White House while breathlessly reporting every lustful stare and awkward sexual comment from DJT.
Trump quickly became a giant media target when he did several new things with the press. First, he dared to challenge repeated and false claims about his character and programs from "news" reporters and "journalists". Next he arranged talking head inquisitors not be seen in taping and still photographs of press conferences so they would not be the "news". Finally, he allowed questioners long sessions and actually enjoyed the verbal sparing sessions. Essentially, Trump a proven media champion and expert, declawed and dethroned the press from their self imposed social position of moral superiority.
Though he ran and maintains himself as a republican, I maintain Trump is actually a MAGA pragmatist displaying no blind loyalty to any specific political party. He clearly outlined his goals during his campaign and then got things done with little regard to "sacred cow" fellow republicans, leading democrats, the media, and established political procedures. He constantly railed against excessive government regulations and bureaucracies which tend to slow and retard the progress of entrepreneurs and businesses in a capitalist economy. Even though he is, and remains incredibly rich, he became the best friend of the American "everyman".
Through his words, actions, and deal making skills he made the nation energy independent, reduced unemployment, raised wages for every segment, maintained low inflation numbers, started no new wars while killing major terrorist leaders, sped a solution for Covid with his Warp Speed initiative, strengthened our military, secured our southern borders from illegal entrants, ushered in good tax cuts, and consistently supported police law and order. These accomplishments and positions cannot be denied, but his personal and political life was nonetheless subjected to four years of deep investigations, a few silly impeachments and ongoing inquisitions designed to negate his positive accomplishments.
Finally, a lot of folks dislike Trump because they perceive he is arrogant, mean, impolite, and rude about things with which he disagrees. While it will require decades and more objective historians, Trump's claim of a crooked 2020 election may have merit. However, his loud objections have tagged him as a riotous revolutionary by the press, democrats and many RINOS. The January 6, 2021 mob incident has been colored as something akin to 9/11, Pearl Harbor, or a new Civil War. Despite it's few casualties, the massive mayhem, destruction and deaths of the earlier 2020 big city riots will never get equal attention from democrats or investigative agents of the fourth estate (media). However, Trump is easily and instantly labeled as the instigator and investigations will probably continue a few more decades to discredit him and maintain the evil image skillfully manipulated by his political and media enemies.
I believe one can look at Trump's good four year results and simply compare them with the last ten months of the Biden Administration. Under DJT our domestic economy grew and prospered, our international position as a super power was maintained with new peace initiatives in the Mideast and clearly signaled messages to our overseas adversaries about our intentions.
Trump was a good Commander in Chief. In his unique and sometimes unorthodox way he got a lot of good things done for America and Americans. Treatment by his political and media enemies has been unjust and well beyond their reportage of other presidents. In my opinion, if Trump is in good physical and mental health he should run in 2024. If he doesn't run, another candidate with a strong commitment to getting things done, limiting the scope and power of the federal government over the lives of it's citizens, and reestablishing America as a super power should be elected president.
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