Blog Archive

Tuesday, June 8, 2021


I believe the cultural and political aberration we have experienced over the last few years will soon be a memory.  In my opinion and by a huge margin, most Americans hold these listed beliefs above all the recent noise and disruption from ANTIFA, BLM, and the far left political, celebrity and media crowd. Whiny radicals on the left need to appreciate and support the USA or get the hell out! 

1. Our Constitution, along with its necessary Amendments, is the greatest human rights charter in the history of mankind.

2. Capitalism offers the maximum economic opportunity to citizens willing and able to work or invest in the market place.

3. Excessive government regulations tend to limit personal liberties and economic opportunities.

4.  The efforts to re write history, destroy statues and re educate the young away from the rich tapestry of good and bad American history is wrongheaded and can only result in repeating bad history.

5. Immigration is an earned gift, but a legal process is necessary and new citizens must embrace the common language and customs of their new homeland. 

6. Without a state sponsored religion and discounting church attendance numbers, America is a deeply religious nation and it's people the most charitable in the world.

7. The historic role and responsibilities of families, churches and communities made America great and must be embraced more to heal the deep wounds of poverty, crime and homelessness. 

8. In the main, our police are good and necessary public servants. However, like any large group (politicians, teachers, celebrities) they are prone to rare deadly mistakes and unlawful activities. 

9. Political elections at all levels must be day long (with some exceptions) and simple transactions absolutely requiring a proof of identity. 

10. Free speech means the expression of all views and voices without government or media censorship.

11. We the people control the election of state and federal leaders. They work for us and we must hold them more accountable which means speaking up and enduring the spears and arrows of criticism.  


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