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Monday, April 5, 2021


 Make no mistake. 

Progressives from the political, social, cultural, media and academic left are methodically destroying America. Since Wilson and through the FDR, LBJ, Obama and now Biden administrations the trend has been more government spending to pacify and control the population and buy votes.  Ultimately, this means more dependence on government and less personal liberty. Past mega federal plans to end poverty have not ended poverty, but only produced generations of poor people and over taxed citizens and corporations. LBJ's lauded multi trillion dollar "War on Poverty/Great Society" scheme  was an utter failure - check the history books. Biden's lavish giveaways will fail in their stated lofty goals and only reward unions, bureaucrats, and crooked politicians.

The myth of socialism has been a nightmare for billions of people. Socialism sucks the life out of  personal initative and the sweeping success capitalism offers everyone. 

Heightened by the current "cancel culture" the foundations of our great nation are being undermined.  Erasing and minimizing the importance of our history, laws, customs, elections, borders, religions, language and families is destroying  the fabric of  America. 

China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and other foreign advesaries are aiding and comforting the progressive left and may gain economic and military victories over our country without ever firing a shot.  

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