How much longer will Congress and Americans allow Biden and his far left handlers to use the Chinese Virus as an excuse to limit our Constitutional rights ?
For purposes of furthering socialism, Biden and his puppet masters are reaching back to the bad old days of LBJ's War on Poverty. The wasted trillions of taxpayer funding didn't end poverty in the 60's and it won't end poverty now. The federal government continues to believe poverty ends with huge government handouts. Being poor is actually the result of poor education, poor parenting and a "victim" mentality preached to poor people by generations of race profiteers. Democrats use federal money as eye candy to secure votes from uninformed masses and those unable or unwilling to think and are OK to become modern slaves to the federal government.
Biden's gloom and doom speech of March 11th, re enforces the false belief that big federal government spending can provide the mother's milk and solution to all our economic and social ills. Aided by the flip flopping overpaid medical Czar Fauci and WHO, we are being told to limit the number of our July 4th celebrants and how many more years masks and "social" distancing will be required. Not surprisingly, Biden used the virus fear to unseat Trump and will continue this strategy to trample our rights and ability to make personal choices. FDR was spot on when he said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself".
Federal subsidized housing, healthcare, free cheese, food stamps and relief checks in addition to billions to bail out poorly run democrat states will do nothing to motivate business restarts, new business starts and people getting back into the work force. The prospect of an increased minimum wage is a shiny piece of fools gold which will increase unemployment, speed inflation and do nothing to help young people build meaningful careers as skilled tradesmen or professionals.
Further, HR 1 and other democrat/socialists congressional bills seek to dilute the voting rights of legal citizens by granting votes and multiple votes to anyone and every one at anytime anywhere. Citizens currently need a pictured ID for a drivers permit, library card and as a legal means for many financial transactions. Exactly how many voting citizens lack ID cards anyway ?
Additionally, Biden and Company feel opening our southern borders to illegal aliens, with or without vaccines, is a great idea. If Biden really cared about COVID free Americans he would require all illegal aliens get tested and inoculated against the Chinese Flu. The costs to American taxpayers will increase and services to legal citizens will diminish as the southern floodgates remain open. The democrat party is simply buying votes and will use illegal immigrants to get votes.
Sadly, Biden and his ilk are winning the day because too many of us have become complacent and happy to trade our personal and economic freedoms for another "welfare" check. Who the hell is pleased that the Biden Bunch has draped our nation's capitol in barbed wire and armed troops over a relatively small disturbance January 6th when compared with the sustained horrors we witnessed in Minneapolis, Seattle, NYC, Portland and Chicago over most of 2020. How many relief checks and pork filled spending bills will be realized by the Biden administration to placate unions and the woke cancel culture crowd ?
If recalls, sustained voter outcries and petitions don't happen soon and the round of 2022/ 2024 elections don't change our political landscape and prospects, America will succumb to China as the world's economic and military leader. The grand idea of "Making and Keeping America Great " will die as citizens surrender their freedom and republic to a treachery energized by the far left and voiced by a very weak puppet President Biden.
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