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Wednesday, November 9, 2016


In a modest way, I feel my steady support of Donald Trump via e-mails, blogs, tweets, face book postings, and conversations in 2016 and 2020 was a good thing. Based on his performance, results,  energy and passion in important domestic and international issues, his booming voice and strong will made a positive difference for many US citizens.  

Unfortunately, in 2020 Trump lost to Biden and America has been losing ever since. 

Trump driven programs creating energy independence, lower taxes, a secure southern border, fewer government regulations and useless bureaucracies, and more international respect are disappearing.  An increase in urban murder/ mayhem, government handouts, major tax hikes, 24/7 Trump censorship, and foreign relations blunders have beset the Biden/Harris regime. While the Biden Administration and most democrats have been wallowing in the weeds of CRT, green new deal nonsense,"wokeness", coronavirus confusion, and a self inflicted southern border crisis, the Chinese and Russian Communists are setting their plate for great economic and military gains over the USA. North Korea, Pakistan, Iran and other bad international players are also waiting to gain from America's decline. Biden's sloppy withdrawal from Afghanistan, inaction in supporting Cubans to a fresh wave of liberty, and proclaimed policies full of personal hypocrisy from  past positions all point to an individual incapable of governing the greatest military and economic country in the world.  

Aside from the Chinese inflicted Flu which Trump got solved in record time, he did a good job on his watch. While at times he was a bully, braggard, and boor, the force of his personality and logic created a Regansque atmosphere where American and world citizens realized good things could happen from a government run by a businessman. Trump didn't personally accomplish many things, but like FDR and Reagan he convinced others of the possibilities and with his support and inspiration, improvements in wages, jobs, housing, new business starts, and more happened.. Trump never bowed to any foreign nation and was unique in insisting our allies pay their fair share in NATO and other international organizations. 

 "Make America Great Again" was a good slogan and fairly reflected his boundless energy, fresh enthusiasm, disdain for establishment politicians and too liberal media types. His political inclinations were never purely democrat, republican or independent. He easily pissed off many career politicians of all parties. He was a political pragmatist and a billionaire who didn't need the fortunes gained by many modern POTUS types. Trump never started a war, made great strides in gaining peace in the Mideast and clearly defined our economic and military dominance over China and Russia. 

He didn't deserve all the empty democratic party driven political investigations, rumormongering, impeachments and congressional probes. He doesn't deserve censorship from Face Book, Twitter and other information outlets. Why is the Taliban and other American enemies allowed freedom of speech on these platforms and a former president banned ? The years of subjective and largely negative commentary from the liberal print and broadcast media was also unjustified. Despite all the abuse, Donald Trump maintains a great love for American and all it's citizens. 

He was an optimist who subscribed to Reagan's vision of American Exceptionalism and decried the national malaise sometimes suffered in the past. In his 2016  run he tirelessly fought the powerful Clinton/Obama political machine and country club republican class day after day. He beat them all.
To the shock of the experts he won the 2016 election. He won because he woke the silent majority, gave the Tea Party coalition a good choice, and appealed to the eternal "everyman" who  wanted a straight talking champion. 

The Trump 2016-20 presidency was, in some ways, a wild ride. He was a newbie to the Washington political world of intrigue and deals. Trump broke many conventional political rules and trampled a few "good old boy" customs and traditions. Our forty fifth president promised to drain the swamp in Washington and he tried. Somehow, some way he lost the 2020 run. 

Despite his rough edges and compared to a weak and uncertain President Biden, Trump deserves a fresh look in 2022 and 2014.  

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