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Monday, April 25, 2016


I am fed up with "establishment" politicians and media gangs that have plagued this election season.

For being outside the box of conventional politics, Trump, Sanders, and Cruz have been savaged by the powers that hold political and broadcasting power. We are told repeatedly that these specific men are dangerous for America. Also, supporters of these political mavericks are consistently labeled as rednecks, ruffians, fools, racists, dreamers, and illiterates by the talking head royalty of the broadcast universe and their political handlers.

The "establishment" that is Washington DC with it's smarmy web of bureaucracies is being threatened. Their struggle to maintain power and the status quo of ineffective government is being defended by both incumbent officeholders and media hacks. Day after day, new polls and media soothsayer's pop out of the woodwork, prophesying all manner of hell if a non establishment type becomes president. I reject their forecasts and polling projections, and rely on the actual votes of my fellow citizens.

I prefer Trump the ultimate pragmatist. He has never worn the shackles of any specific political party, but uses them all to achieve his goals. He handles the media like a puppet master. His track record glistens with more success than failure and he is not beholding to any moneyed donor or PAC. I believe his "Make America Great Again" slogan comes from the heart, and aside from a few personal distasteful traits, he is gifting his immense energy and enthusiasm to a country he loves.

I respect Cruz because his message is outside the world of current political speak. I admire his strong constitutional positions and courage among his congressional peers. However, he generally lacks sufficient voter support and enthusiasm to win this time around. Someday, perhaps 2020 or 2024, in a better educated America a more charismatic Cruz will bring the nation closer to it's constitutional roots.

While I greatly dislike the socialist message of Bernie, I respect his honesty in believing a totally failed brand of socialism can cure all our problems. He has uncommon energy and has enlivened millions of young people in the political process. Hopefully, as his young admirers mature they will realize the fraud and silliness that is socialism.

I believe our "greatest fear" at this time should be the combined evil force of established politicians and media forces. They thrive and profit in a chaotic America where social, economic, and political differences are enhanced and deepened by political cowards and their fawning broadcast buddies. They currently hold the power and will demonize, slash and burn any presidential hopeful that does not conform to their rules. If necessary, they will rewrite convention rules to fulfill their plans, and reject popular voting as a means of candidate selection.

Our future with Hillary Clinton or a republican consensus branded president will be a continuation of ineffective American domestic and foreign policy. Our nation will continue it's slide from greatness to some bad place of Euro lameness and weakness. Trump, Cruz or Sanders may not be our ultimate savior, but their freshness on the big stage of presidential politics may begin the needed reform our political system desperately needs.


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