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Thursday, June 19, 2014


In these times of an Obama Administration full on with foreign policy screw-ups, domestic economic uncertainties, and federal scandals at all levels, is it
appropriate that Obama political correctness minions turn their attention to team names ?

If the Redskins are a politically incorrect and insensitive term, how about the Dallas Cowboys, New York Giants, Atlanta Braves, Cleveland Indians, or San Diego Padres ?

Is it not offensive for Dallas to have a team which denigrates the manly profession of herding steers to "boys", and how sexist is a team that excludes the role of female bovine herders ? Is it very nice for the New York franchise to celebrate "Giants" when the physical condition of being a giant is often a health tragedy ? And, how about the hurt the name "Giants" inflicts on average sized folks and little people formerly known as midgets or dwarfs ? Are the Atlanta Braves and Cleveland Indians as guilty of insulting Native Americans or Indigenous People with the slang use of "Braves" and the politically incorrect term "Indians" as the aforementioned "Redskins ?" Does the San Diego sports organization discriminate against rabbis, preachers, and mullahs when they use the Spanish word for priest (Padres) as their team nickname ?

Political correctness is a disease which exists in people who think they are smarter than everyone else. It is also a popular diversion for political leaders who lack the courage  or ability to solve the real problems which ravage our nation and world.

Unfortunately, political correctness is an appealing pastime for legions of Americans unwilling or unable to think beyond the next volley of stupidity spewing forth from Hollywood, Washington DC, or the Far Left Media. Isn't it time we shelve all the silly issues and expend our political and public relations energy on really important issues ?

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