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Monday, February 25, 2013


The Declaration of Independence (1776) states , "they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness". That means we, the citizens, have certain rights granted from God not the president or king. Unalienable is inalienable which means incapable of surrender or transfer. This means God has given us these rights and government has no power to grant, withhold, or restrict same.  Indeed, the Declaration goes on to direct, "that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it ".

How much crime has come from old and existing laws restricting alcohol and drugs ?  How many murdered, maimed, and jailed souls have been sacrificed because our government decided a substance was illegal ?

As an example, the 18th Amendment  (Volstead Act)  made the "manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors" illegal. When this happened legitimate businesses were shut down, thousands of people lost their jobs, and serious criminals made legitimate businesses their black market.  Murder, mayhem, and unconscionable profits ensued until the 18th amendment was abolished.

As long as free men exercise their God given rights, without harming their neighbors, government has no role in dictating an individuals choices. When government gave up the 18th amendment the price and quality of alcohol stabilized. The bulk of crime and gangsters from bootlegging and moon shining evaporated. Our government has lost it's decades old war on drugs because the people who seek such substances will pay whatever price the black market demands and deal with dangerous criminals. Making drugs legal will reduce the price and stabilize the quality of substances.  Most importantly, drugs manufactured and sold in a free market will instantly eliminate the profits for gangs and stop all the related violence and  imprisonments.

Legalizing drugs, gambling, and even prostitution will not threaten society. Individuals will still make their own choices. Survival of the fittest and common sense will keep most citizens from drowning in a sea of depravity. Perhaps free of dictating morals of personal behavior our government can re-direct it's efforts and resources to declaring WAR illegal !  


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