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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The 28th Amendment

The Constitution requires 38 States (of 50) to convene a Constitutional Convention. Currently, 35 States have lawsuits filed and pending against the United States. Amending the Constitution is legal and can be a quick process. The 26Th Amendment granting 18 year olds the vote breezed to approval in 3 months and a few days.

For too long Congress has exempted it's members from laws applicable to all citizens, eg. Obama Care. Also, Congress grants it's members benefits, eg. retirement & pay raises, far in excess of any benefits available to the general public. Its time Congressional members live by the same laws and rules it legislates for it's 310 million citizens. We need a Constitutional Convention NOW to send a simple message to every officeholder whether they be Democrat, Republican, or Independent. The message is contained in a 28Th Amendment currently in wide distribution.

Proposed 28Th Amendment to the US Constitution

" Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States. "

It's short, direct, and addresses the unfairness and excesses evident in so many self serving actions by Congress. Write, e mail, fax, call, or twitter your Congressional member(s) and State Assembly member(s) to support and sponsor this Amendment or give you a written letter of their objections.

We can and must make changes to our government to insure future generations of Americans enjoy the freedoms and liberty of our great and exceptional nation.

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